Besides academia, I contributed to various projects with different natures. Most of my experience is research and engineering related, but I am currently increasing my developing skills (see my CV).
Current employment:
In May 2024, I started a Software Developer position at Intex, located in Saarbruecken, Saarland, Germany.

Previous jobs (Since 2022):
Blue Kraken Online (BKO), Lead smart contract developer, Web3 fullstack: Onchain Crafting, Loyalty Token, Front- (Javascript, next.js, html, css) and backend (MongoDB,  AWS, Moralis, Alchemy),  partnerships (Chainlink BUILD, VRF2, Automation, Amazon AWS, Games forest club)
Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPII), Freelancing research engineer: Segmentation of human body captures 
Loci Sports Ltd, Freelancing research engineer: Developing rendering engine on top of Blender 

A more complete list of previous jobs and education can be found in my CV
General interests:
Graphics, Vision, VR, AR, Web3, Gaming (Video, board, anything ball-related),  Music, Hiking, Travelling,  ...

Casually creating 360° VR experiences. 
I am interested in the whole lifecycle of VR pipelines, 
i.e. Capture, Reconstruction, Representation, Transmission, and Rendering. 

I am interested to combine VR and AR with gaming and industrial use cases.
Moreover, I am sure that every company that has a web2 strategy will expand sooner or later into web3 and I'd be glad to be involved in that process.
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